Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, here I am about to start a new activity that I have no idea of what I am doing. First, I thought I wanted to write about being southern, food, cooking (especially outside), and growing things (again, outside). Second, I also wanted to know if I could be humorous...of course, I think I have a good sense of humor, but communicating that to someone else isn't always very easy to do. My mamma always said I was a little "funny", especially after getting hit in the head with the hammer, but I don't think she meant funny, funny??! Third, I want to know if I can simply write. You know, put a noun and a verb together with some modifiers, then repeat that several times until there is a paragraph, and then repeat that a few times and see if it is worth anything. I guess you will be the judge of that. (Be nice, I am very sensitive and I wear my heart on my sleeve.)
OK, so there you have it. A blog about southern-ness, food, gardening and funny stuff--and anything else that is interesting, inspiring, or just plain needs saying.

P.S. The thing about the hammer is true. My brother and I were building a tree house. He was about to come down out of the tree and he yelled down for me to get out of the way so he could throw down the hammer. I took three steps to the left just in time to cushion the fall of the hammer with the back part of my head. I don't remember how much it bled or hurt. In fact, I don't rememeber too much about that afternoon at all, come to think of it.


Adrienne said...

I'd eat your grub any day.

Chris Stuckey said...

I'm looking forward to your blog. I love food, i love the outdoors. What great subjects to talk about. Check out my blog too. I can't believe I'm writing.... Comments are wwlcome