Friday, November 5, 2010

Meet My New Best Friend, Sambo

As you can see, it has been a while since my last post. For months, every time I logged on to this site I was consumed with sadness and a sense of loss. But, there is good news to report--I have a new best friend! His name is Sambo, or Sammy, or just Sam if you prefer. He's a red Doberman who came to live with us Memorial Day weekend from Dayton, Tennessee. Remember the Scopes Monkey trial? Yep, the same little town.

Sammy is one of seven pups in a litter of Dobes. Carol and I went to see the litter when they were just three weeks old. It took only a few seconds for us to make the decision for him to join our family. After losing Hans, I felt an extreme sense of sadness and while there is no way to replace him, it was a good decision to add to our family. So, we went back and picked Sammy up and brought him home with us when he was six weeks old. I had the summer off from work so it worked out well for us to bond and spend lots of time together before I had to go back to work in August.

Sambo is true Dobe to the core. Now, at six months of age, he is beginning to develop that unmistakably Doberman Pinscher personality. He has more energy than the Energizer Bunny, more stubborn than a dozen mules, more intelligent than half of the National Honor Society students at my high school and already completely devoted to our family. He bosses the cats, but can't understand why they won't play with him and is truly "hurt" and "offended" by their aloofness with him. Each day now, he is gaining new words that he understands. It is amazing to watch him grow. I can't imagine having any other breed of dog and I can't imagine not having one in my life.

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